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Asset essentials

Quickly make data-driven decisions

You know what it takes to keep your operations running smoothly — but now you need to prove it. Asset Essentials equips you with robust CMMS analytics to work smarter, prove decisions and make a difference to those who depend on you.

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Asset Essentials™
Increase productivity with GIS Maps

Public sector teams want to ensure they are as efficient as possible out in the field. Asset Essentials equips you with a CMMS to help increase your productivity through efficient management of your team, work orders and GIS assets.

Long-term Forecasting with Predictor

Creating future budget plans can seem daunting. You want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your funds and improving your assets, but you need data to prove it. Predictor shows you how you can maximize your budgets, cut costs and plan for the future. 

Energy Manager™
Prove Energy Success

It’s one thing to get a capital project approved. It’s another thing to prove that the project was successful. Energy Manager empowers building operators to easily measure and verify the savings of their energy projects while accounting for weather differences – all in accordance with IPMVP standards.

Energy Manager™
Quickly Identify Utility Waste

On average, 30% of utility use in buildings is wasted every billing cycle. With utilities often being the 2nd highest budget item, a large amount of unnecessary spending is happening in a world where every dollar counts. Energy Manager equips building operators with near real-time insight to quickly identify waste and prioritize action.

Asset Essentials™
Quickly make data-driven decisions

You know what it takes to keep your operations running smoothly — but now you need to prove it. Asset Essentials equips you with robust CMMS analytics to work smarter, prove decisions and make a difference to those who depend on you.

Requesting Funds with Origin

You need to request funds to improve your facilities, but you know you need facts and data to support you. Origin uses your asset data to help justify funding requests. Feel confident you’re investing your money into the right assets and support your capital investment proposals with powerful insight.

Resource Roundup

Ready to start your journey to CMMS? Download our FREE Buyer's Guide!

When it comes to buying operation software management (CMMS + Enterprise Asset Management), finding the right one for your business can feel daunting. Choosing a solution can seem like a complicated task for you and your staff, but selecting the right software will vault your organization forward to greater efficiency and a better bottom line. 

Find the best solution for your operations and make your way towards a cost-effective future by downloading our guide today.